Saturday 11 August 2018

How To Pick The Right Wedding Shoes For You

Is your wedding right around the corner? There is a good chance that you’re already getting the nervous jitters. You’re probably feeling a little anxious, yet eager to get it over with and begin starting a new life with your significant other. Before the big day arrives, you’ll want to make sure that everything is absolutely perfect. Besides choosing a venue and selecting a dress, you’ll also need to choose the correct pair of shoes. To ensure your big day goes off without a hitch, you’ll want to follow the tips below to ensure you get the best wedding shoes for your individualistic needs.

Choose Two Pairs

Choose Comfort

While you may be tempted to choose a pair of stilettos as your wedding shoes, this may not be your best option. You must remember that your wedding day will be filled with tons of activities, such as posing for pictures and interacting with the attendees. For this reason, may women choose comfort over sexy, since the shoes are hidden underneath the hem of their wedding gown any way.
You can always switch the shoes, before you actually walk down the aisle. Many women will switch from their stilettos to a pair of flip-flops or flats for the reception. It is also important to note the type of flooring you will be walking on. Stilettos and high-heeled shoes do not work well with grass, sand and gravels

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