Friday 17 August 2018

Americans Men's T shirts.

American Men's T shirts Design.

The term ‘wardrobe staple’ is thrown around more times than a steak at a vegan party, but the humble T-shirt is one item to which it can truly be applied.

A garment that started off as strictly underwear, developed into workwear and is now a definitive style essential, you would be hard pressed to find a man who has never owned this 100-plus-year-old basic.

The T-shirt‘s versatility has a great deal to do with its ability to outlast trends; it’s the only piece of clothing that can be worn for any occasion, from under a shirt, with a suit, to the gym, beach and to bed.

The way a T-shirt fits says a lot about its wearer. Too baggy, with sleeves flopping sadly from the shoulder and excess fabric creating a tent around your torso, gives the impression of a man who has given up. 

On the other hand, exploding seams and a stuffed sausage-skin fit sends the opposite message, of a man who can’t get his own reflection out of his head.

The perfect fitting example emphasises parts of the body you’re proudest of, without drawing attention to the areas you’re conscious of. Confused? Before trying one on, look at your naked torso in the mirror and ask yourself what your best attribute is.

Whether yours comes in a three-pack from the high street or you splurged on a designer take, it’s important to remember that a high price tag doesn’t always guarantee high quality. Therefore, it pays to know the key brands in each price bracket.

If T-shirts are a part of your everyday wardrobe, affordable options found on the high street are a perfect way to stock up in bulk and are easily replaceable. Brands that offer the best value for money include Gap, Uniqlo and Next.

Most men tend to favour thicker fabrics rather than lightweight ones; as if the quality is directly related to the weight of the garment. Well, the opposite is actually true for T-shirt materials. Whether worn as a base layer or solo, a T-shirt should feel like second skin.

If you have a small chest or sloped shoulders, a crew neck will likely suit you best. Crew necks draw the eye out and create the illusion of squarer shoulders, making you appear broader and better proportioned. This more substantial neckline also provides balance to men with longer necks or narrow face shapes.

The rise (and rise, and rise) of trends such as athleisure and the relaxing of office dress codes means that T-shirts are now more popular than arguably ever before. However, neutral shades can get a bit samey. Keep things fresh and inject some energy into your day-to-day looks by trying out colours.

Black, white, grey and navy; these timeless shades set the foundations of any successful capsule wardrobe. T-shirts in these colours are often classed as ‘basic’, but their ability to underpin an existing look, or serve as one all on their own, is anything but.

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